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privacy statement

This privacy stament informs you about the kind, range and purpose of handling for personal data on this website and external associated sites

responsible Organization

Turnerbund Bad Cannstatt 1892 e.V. (s. Impressum)

Kind of handled data:

  • personal data (z.B., names, adresses)
  • contact data (z.B., E-Mail, phone number)
  • content data (z.B., text, photos, videos)
  • usage data (z.B., visitited websites, interests on content, access times)
  • Meta-/communication data (z.B., device info, IP-Adress)

Category of persons:

Users of this website

Purpose of using:

  • provisoning of this website
  • answering of conatct requests, communication with users
  • entries and results of competition
  • security arrangements
  • audience measurement

Legal basis:

German DSVGO

Rights of concerned persons:

You have the righs of affirmation which data are collected from your person or organization.


We use temporary and permanent cookies when using this website. You can decline using these.

Deletion of data:

The processed data wil be deleted according german DSVGO. According german law some data have to be kept about 10 years

Performance of constitution services:

We handle all data according german DSVGO regarding our constituion services

making contact:

We use your data for answering your contact request, specially for registration entries on competition and results. We delete them as soon as not needed any more.